Canadian EPA-PA
COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK, Physician Assistant Medical Education, Canadian Physician AssistantAbstract
This document identifies the competencies and outcome-based goals for Physician Assistant education in Canada. Competency-based education allows for an outcome-based approach to curriculum delivery that directly addresses and assesses student preparation for clinical practice, patient navigation, and resource application. With the experience and feedback gathered from PA-program leadership, previous accreditation cycles, and practicing PAs, Canadian PA educators are proposing an updated competency framework reflecting competency-based medical education titled "Canadian Physician Assistant Competency Framework 2021 (Canadian EPA-PA)". The purpose of this document is to identify the competency-based goals and entrustable professional activities for Canadian PA education programs. Competency-based education allows for an outcomes-based approach to curriculum delivery that directly assesses learner preparation for clinical practice, patient navigation, and resource application.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2021 PA Ian W Jones (He/Him) MPAS, CCPA, PA-C, Kristen Burrows, Ph.D. MSc, BHSc-PA, CCPA, Leslie Nickell, MSW, MD, CCFP, Major Ashley Millham (he/him)

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